Monday, August 26, 2013

Hey there!
Here's a photo of me that my brother took while out bike riding.
My name is Jairo Cardona and I am currently a junior at Dominican University. I'll be graduating in 2015 with a major in Mathematics and an Elementary Education certification. I would say that the single most important part of my life is my family. Having the support and guidance from loving parents and siblings is what has always motivated me to do the best I can in life. With this being said, I would like to incorporate these ideas of support and guidance to my classroom in the near future.

As a kid, I never really liked going to school, but as time passed and I got older I realized I missed so many things about it; having field trips, projects, learning about different subjects, having great friends and teachers alongside of me, and the list goes on and on. So why become a teacher? Teachers were a major influence towards my decision in becoming a teacher. Everything from the way they taught, their motivation, and the changes they made that mattered the most. As a student I didn't really see these different changes, but now as an adult I can step back and think back about everything they did to help us as individuals to succeed. In addition, education has changed throughout these years so that we can incorporate many of the new forms of technology into our classrooms. This could certainly make learning more engaging and enjoyable. To me this is simply awesome!  Hopefully I too will be one of those teachers I experienced as a child that made such an impact in my life.